Realtime coaching - coaching based on realtime data

Creating conscious tourist destinations in Zeeland in collaboration with the tourists/ residents

A short summary of the pilot: based on a number of statements filled in by the panel, we (Kenniscentrum Kusttoerisme) were able to divide the panel members into certain mobility profiles. By email, each panel member has been assigned a profile classified accordingly to how people think they move where he/ she can relate well or less well to. With this pilot, where we follow people via the Zeeland app, we can actually map out the behaviour of the panel members. By informing the panel members in different ways, they will hopefully will be motivated to be more aware of their travel behaviour in the region. Afterwards, they will be informed of their actual travel behaviour by providing personal reports. We find it important that the user receives something in return, rather than only providing input for our research.

The ‘Fan of Zeeland’ panel of Kenniscentrum Kusttoerisme (Coastal Tourism Knowledge Centre) is approached twice a year for a questionnaire. In the previous year, 2019, the questionnaire focused on travel behaviour. One question was added to the questionnaire explaining this pilot. Respondents were asked whether they were willing to participate in this pilot. This resulted in a positive 200 respondents. The target group of this pilot therefore consists of ‘Fan of Zeeland’ panel members, who have a connection with Zeeland and visited the region in the previous year. In addition to Dutch visitors, the panel contains German and Belgian tourists as well as residents of Zeeland.

The execution of the pilot: following the panel members, was planned for the period 1st of May till 31st of August. Due to Covid-19 restrictions due pilot is postponed.