In 2021, 26 coastal tourism entrepreneurs were enthusiastic to work towards a more circular business and presented us their specific challenges and needs. All of them stepped into an individual coaching program with external experts.  

Early 2021, the experts accompanied the entrepreneurs in defining their needs more precisely. During several coaching sessions the experts were able to guide the entrepreneurs towards the circular solutions that fit their specific needs and business. Feasible and tailor-made advice was given and written down in a Circular design proposal and action plan. For some entrepreneurs this already resulted in a final Business plan.  

Sharing best practices 

All business plans will be shared with the sector as best practices. This way, the solutions and new found knowledge can be used in the entire sector.  

Two entrepreneurs already share with us which circular solution they made plans for and what their experiences where.  

Rethinking waste streams 

Don van Vliet owns a beach pavilion in Renesse, the Netherlands. Together with five other beach pavilions, he is rethinking his waste streams. Yearly, the pavilions produce 75.000 kg of waste consisting of coffee grounds, orange peels, crustaceans and shellfish, and other food residues. With an expert, Don looks at smart ways to reduce waste or give waste a new purpose. Like growing mushrooms on coffee grounds and then using those mushrooms in a meal he can put on his menu.  

“You have a thousand and one reasons to get started with sustainability, but most of all it's fun to be busy with this theme. To follow developments together with other beach pavilions and to look for opportunities to respond to them. That makes me excited.”

Read the whole item (dutch only) >> click here.

Investing in sustainable luxury 

Tania Clarys & Olivier Willaert, owners of Gastenverblijf De Arend and Tearoom Cornet de la Mer in Nieuwpoort, are going for a sustainable future. They recently installed 26 solar panels with 3 batteries (15kW) and a combined heat and power (CHP) power plant, the fuel cell that generates electricity and heat simultaneously. They invested more than €100,000 in customised sustainable solutions and save €650 on their energy bill every month. 

“Our main idea was to offer our guests more service and experience with less or no CO2 emissions as a result. The advice from the FACET experts was crucial to go from idea to implementation.”

Read the whole item (dutch only) >> click here

Entrepreneurs practice with circular solutions

31 januari 2022