Startdatum: oktober 1, 2016
Einddatum: juli 31, 2020
Einddatum: juli 31, 2020
The Medway FRAMES project is focused on increasing environmental resilience to flooding. Nature-based solutions are a new approach in this pilot area, and show promise as they can be applied in the many areas of the catchment where technical or landscape designation restrictions means that there is limited scope for traditional hard engineering approaches.
Country: | United Kingdom |
Coordinate | 51° 24' 17.08" N, 0° 32' 30.43" E |
Pilot manager authority: | South East Rivers Trust |
Objective: | The aim of the pilot project is to increase environmental resilience to flooding through Natural Flood Management (NFM). The aim is to slow the flow of water reaching watercourses, and to store water within the landscape, to reduce the flood peaks which cause problems downstream. |
Flood risk: | Fluvial and pluvial flooding, exacerbated by landcover change which has reduced surface roughness, rapid run-off from impervious clay soils on the high ground, and from steeper slopes onto the lower lying land of the Low Weald. There is also the lesser-known risk of groundwater flooding dues to the presence of springs in areas such as Tunbridge Wells.
The catchment has suffered significant flooding in 1968, 2000/01 and most recently in 2013/14. Generally, a total of 9000 properties (2.246 homes and businesses) are at risk in the Medway catchment . |
Stakeholder(s): |
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