Interdisciplinary collaboration in project teams

Through collaboration with stakeholders widely accepted improvements for - typically complex - societal developments and changes can be found. This means that the challenges have to be addressed with an integral (systems thinking) approach and in an interdisciplinary team or a Coalition of the Willing. It is vital to jointly understand and validate the challenge and take responsibility to achieve the shared goal.

december 6, 2018



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Alle bronnen voor dit project

 Pagina naamTitelAuteur(s)Datum
CSP BOEK ArtEZ 2012-compleet.pdfBestand:CSP BOEK ArtEZ 2012-compleet.pdfInterdisciplinaire samenwerking gezien door masters in de kunsteducatieID Kunsteducatiejanuari 1, 2012
Resource Hyperlink 00338Resource Hyperlink 00338The Compendium of InterdisciplinarityCoward, Aidan; Anthony Stegner and Joel Beckerjanuari 1, 2014
Resource Hyperlink 00339Resource Hyperlink 00339ENoLLENoLLfebruari 25, 2019