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The development of a total concept as a blueprint for sustainable field cultivation of carpet shells and clams. +
One way to reduce consumption of sand is to optimize and introduce the use of alternative materials for concrete production. Using bio-based materials instead of sand, will additionally provide large environmental benefits for the construction industry. +
The European FACET Interreg 2 seas project supports entrepreneurs in shifting from a linear to a circular economy in the tourism sector. +
Genomineerd voor de Groene Innovatieprijs 2017
Eigenaar van Anno Nu, dhr. Maljaars een enorm grote investering heeft gedaan voor een duurzame toekomst. Het pand is geïsoleerd, voorzien van zonnepanelen, warmtepomp en nieuwe ramen en kozijnen. +
AquaSPICE wants to promote the sustainability of the process industry through digital and circular innovations in water use. +
An internship at Dow in Terneuzen working as an operator on the Horizon 2020 AquaSPICE project. You will be responsible for the daily operation of the water treatment technologies, monitoring of the processes, sampling and data collection and analysis of information gathered. +
The lectureship Aquaculture in Delta Areas supports entrepreneurs in the aquaculture sector by investigating their knowledge questions in a practice-oriented manner.
The demand for seafood is rising worldwide. More and more people eat fish and seafood because it is healthy and tasty. However, the supply of fish, shellfish and crustaceans from wild catches is stagnating. In order to meet the growing demand for seafood, more controlled production is required: aquaculture.
Zeeland has a long tradition of saline aquaculture. The province is located in a delta area and the salt water is close by . It is therefore a perfect location for the sustainable cultivation of fish, shellfish and crustaceans. Zeeland entrepreneurs are leading the way in growing algae, weeds, worms, lobster and fish.
Yet aquaculture is in its infancy compared to agriculture. Aquaculture entrepreneurs have many knowledge questions and challenges in terms of innovations. These include, for example, how to optimize their products, which new species to grow, and which techniques are best.
The research group Aquaculture in Delta Areas supports the entrepreneurs with research into these kinds of questions. They often do this in collaboration with other knowledge institutions and consultancies. The researchers and students also work together with people from professional practice. The research often takes place in the field or in the SEA Lab at the HZ in Vlissingen. The research group also provides training and courses on aquaculture. +
De laatste jaren worden we steeds meer geconfronteerd met de gevolgen van klimaatverandering. Er is een spanningsveld tussen de noden van de samenleving en de veerkracht van het watersysteem. Dit resulteert in problemen als waterkwaliteit, wateroverlast en schaarste. Ook binnen de Scheldemondregio komt dit spanningsveld steeds nadrukkelijker tot uiting.
Het doel van Aquatuur is om de klimaatrobuustheid te vergroten, door zoetwaterbeschikbaarheid te verhogen via natuurgebaseerde groenblauwe oplossingen (NGBO’s) in de Scheldemondregio. +
In the Interreg Flanders-Netherlands project Aquatuur, the partners want to increase freshwater availability and create a robust water system. They want to achieve this with green-blue solutions. At the same time, these natural solutions must provide the necessary functions and services. +
In de afgelopen maanden heeft HZ Kenniscentrum Ondernemen & Innoveren samen met lectoraat Resilient Deltas een literatuurstudie gedaan naar het waarderen van nature based solutions en ecosysteemdiensten. Voor het Interregproject Aquatuur bekijken we welke niet-technische barrières er zijn bij het implementeren van nature based solutions. Vanaf april gaan we aan de slag met een casus in de Moerbekepolder (Oost-Vlaanderen). Er worden interviews afgenomen bij de stakeholders in de regio om inzicht te krijgen in het gebruik van het gebied en de mogelijkheden voor de toekomst. Denk hierbij aan lokale overheden, natuurorganisaties, boeren en recreatieve verenigingen. Vervolgens werken we via drie workshops naar een waardemodel toe waarin de ecosysteemdiensten op een efficiënte manier samenkomen met het gebruik van het gebied. Daarbij besteden de onderzoekers continu aandacht aan de niet-technische barrières (wetgeving, draagvlak, financiering, etc.) die de stakeholders gedurende het proces aantreffen. +
De arbeidsmarkt in Zeeland kampt met verschillende uitdagingen, zo ook in de vrijetijdssector. Er is een tekort aan geschoolde werknemers en het seizoensgebonden karakter van het toerisme zorgen onder andere voor moeilijkheden bij het vinden, boeien en behouden van geschikt personeel. In dit dossier vertellen we u meer over het tekort en hoe dit de vrijetijdssector in Zeeland beïnvloed. +
In opdracht van Provincie Zeeland. +
The Plastic Soup Surfer is arriving on Monday!
4th of July, Monday
14h - 16h
Pier 7, Vlissingen
For HZ Personality! +
The Netherlands Research Institute for Recreation and Tourism published an article about FACET +
The goal of the pilot is to test the Dynamic Adaptive Policy Pathways (DAPP) approach and provide guidance to the municipalities in making better decisions regarding future flood protection measures and spatial planning for urban development. +
The Assetmanagement chair conducts research into effective and efficient long-term management of the assets that determine the liveability and sustainability of the South-western Delta. The group brings together researchers, students, professionals from the field and policy makers.
Asset management is about the management of business assets, usually in public space or as part of the infrastructure. Examples are bridges, roads, locks, traffic control centres, sewers and green spaces.
The researchers develop strategies based on performance, costs and risks. With strategic asset management, they focus on the newest markets and technical developments, the management of assets with new techniques and innovative methods and smart and data driven asset management. The latter will become more important in the future. Themes such as circularity, extending the life span and climate adaptation are also becoming increasingly important within the research area.
With their research, the researchers ensure that the region remains safe, sustainable, attractive and accessible. Another important task is to increase knowledge about asset management. The researchers do this both by teaching students and by providing courses and workshops.
The research group works together with partners in the region who manage the assets. These include major players such as Rijkswaterstaat, the province, Waterschap Scheldestromen, North Sea Port, the Zeeland municipalities and KIC/MPI. The chair shares knowledge with these partners so that asset managers in the South-western Delta can continue to develop. +
Develop and test a method to automate the biomass determination and the dilution rate in SEA cap systems, similar to the turbidostat method used in photobioreactors. +
There is a great need for biobased foam materials instead of traditional petroleum-based plastics and foams. Students from HZ University of Applied Sciences, Avans Hogeschool and the Tampere University of Applied Sciences (TAMK) in Finland have conducted research into the applicability of compostable and reusable bioplastics as part of the BeLight project. They did not let themselves be hampered by the corona crisis and went online in search of answers to difficult issues. +