Mobility & Co2

  • E-Mobility Park
    E-Mobility Park.png
    E-MOBILITY PARK: With this project, our goal is to encourage the HZ to make use of the electronic cars that are located less than 5 minutes from the HZ. Starting on the 20th of November, Ricsi, the EMP intern and I will sit together to brainstorm about and work out ways that we can encourage the HZ staff to start using the electronic cars which are located at the e-mobility park. Furthermore, we will check if there is an opportunity to inform the staff about the cars and how the process from making the reservation to parking the car at the park after usage.

The linkage between this project and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that want to transform our world:

11sdg.jpg 11. Sustainable Cities and Communities- Make cities and human settlements safe, resilient, and sustainable.

13sdg.jpg 13. Climate Action- Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts.

17.jpg 17. Partnerships for the Goals- Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development.




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