Cross-border meetings  

On November 8, 9 and 10 of this year, several online cross-border value chain meetings took place. The meetings were organised by the partners in the international Interreg 2 Seas project FACET. The purpose of the meetings was to inspire entrepreneurs and external parties to get started with circular solutions. All participating countries were represented: England, France, Belgium and the Netherlands. Participants include project partners, supporting project experts, entrepreneurs and parties that contributed to the realization of circular solutions during the project.  

Participant about the meeting: 

“It was a very inspiring experience for me to share my story with fellow entrepreneurs and researchers from Belgium, the Netherlands, France and the United Kingdom. The questions I received from the participants made me realize even more that I made the right choice at the right time.”  

Different themes explained  

The online value chain cross-border meetings are each organized around a specific theme. The first meeting focused on circular solutions for the reduction and reuse of waste, the second meeting focused on circular construction and the last meeting mainly focused on circular solutions for saving water and energy within our own business operations.   

Learning together  

The common thread in all meetings: learning from and jointly thinking about circular solutions that can be applied within (own) tourist-recreational companies. Practical examples were presented based on their own experiences by participating entrepreneurs, experts and implementing parties.  

The value chain explained  

In the context of a circular value chain, it was made clear where the relevant circular solution was introduced in the value chain of the company concerned. As an example; on the purchasing side, during the construction process, during use or at the end of the chain. In addition to the examples presented, break-out sessions were organized for joint discussion.  

The sessions were informative an valuable to the participants because of the sharing of examples, insights and contacts beyond the boundaries of their own living environment.  

Cross-border meetings 

31 januari 2022