The Interreg 2 Seas FACET project aims to encourage entrepreneurs in the tourism sector to apply circular solutions within their businesses to create new sustainable business models. With a strong consortium of project partners from Belgium, England, France and the Netherlands, circular applications have been experimented with in the areas of accommodation, waste reduction and circular business practices.
In these short videos we tell you more about the project FACET and the contribution of each project partner .
What did we do during the FACET project? Project leader Helen Roskam tells more about the importance of circularity in the tourism sector.
Circular Solutions for the management and valorization of shellfish waste in the tourism sector in Baie de Somme
In this pilot, we demonstrate Circular Solutions for the management and valorization of shellfish waste in the tourism sector in Baie de Somme. Project manager Eliane Matreau tells more about this pilot.
Research and demonstrating the viability of circular economy tourist accommodation
HZ university of applied sciences researched business cases of entrepreneurs participating in the project and created several informational downloads to help entrepreneurs shift to circularity. They also demonstrate the viability of circular economy tourist accommodation by co-creating a demo bioCircular accommodation with stakeholders. The focus of this pilot is to look both at techniques using waste material as well as working with parts that could be used in new accommodation or been giving another “afterlife”.
Entrepeneur experience
Camping & Villa park the Paardekreek aims at showcasing the next generation of tourism accommodation that will be as locally sourced and circular as possible, while showing adaptability to upcoming needs and resilience to climate change.
Parkhotel de Panne (BE) is one of the entrepreneurs participating in the FACET project. With an adviser, they developed a sustainable business plan for generating their own power and electric charging infrastructure linked to renewable energy.
Research and development
The University of Greenwich is one of the knowledge partners in the FACET project. In this video professor Jin Hooi Chan shares the roles and responsibilities of his University team.
Precious plastics
In FACET we supported a local plastic recycling center created by the Precious Plastic community in Great Yearmouth.
Final conferene
Excited to see the whole FACET story? Then check out our video of the Final Conference