Robust Water System - Next Steps

CLOSED FOR APPLICATIONS - The Province of Zeeland and HZ University of Applied Sciences, were two of many stakeholders that worked together in the past years on the topic of the Robust Water System in Zeeland, specifically Zeeuws Vlaanderen. Next year, the Province of Zeeland would like to continue with this project, with a focus on the future and how robust our local water system really is. For this project, the following steps have been highlighted:

We need to sketch an outline of the future of our Robust Water System to determine how future-proof it really is. This requires: - The map of the region should be updated as if all described project possibilities have already been executed (therefore all project details need to be strengthened. - In parallel, the criteria for robustness are set so that we can test the “future“ map against these criteria. - Lastly, determine which gaps still exist in relation to our ambitions and jointly define what is still required (and by when) to complete the desired picture

This project is suitable for native Dutch students only. For more information on this project please contact Hans Cappon or Emma McAteer.

februari 1, 2018
juni 30, 2018



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