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Lijst van resultaten
- Zeeuwse vo-scholen en het hbo begeleiden samen profielwerkstukken + (The profile paper could form a bridge betw … The profile paper could form a bridge between secondary education and higher professional education, because students can learn skills here that contribute to their success in higher professional education. Unfortunately, HAVO students have limited motivation for this piece of work and their supervising teachers often feel insufficiently able to guide them properly. The professorship is investigating whether and how collaboration between secondary education and higher professional education can help in this regard.ssional education can help in this regard.)
- Extracts by Nature + (The project Extracts by Nature stems from a growing global trend focused on creating a new beverage category that emphasizes health aspects and the need for a circular and sustainable economy.)
- Living Lab Autonoom Transport Zeeland + (The project Living Lab Autonomous Transpor … The project Living Lab Autonomous Transport Zeeland develops an open innovation system in which logistics companies, technology providers for autonomous vehicles, road authorities and knowledge institutions jointly innovate and experiment with autonomous vehicles with mixed traffic in real-life logistics operations and on public roads. logistics operations and on public roads.)
- VOLTA Voedselkweek op zee + (The project VOLTA Food Farming at Sea: towards low-trophic aquaculture has a duration of four years (January 2023-December 2026) and is funded by the Regieorgaan SIA within the scheme Practical Knowledge for Food and Green: Sustainable Marine Enterprise.)
- Coproducing Safety + (The project ‘Professionals and self-relian … The project ‘Professionals and self-reliant citizens’ (funded by Centre of Expertise Delta Technology) is aimed at development of practical knowledge about co-creating safety and to make this applicable for communities in the south-west delta. This is established by training safety professionals to deal with resilience, increasing awareness among communities, developing instruments to enhance and monitor community resilience, and by improving alignment between professionals, citizens, businesses and other societal actors. In this study flood risk is used as a main scenario. </br>For this project, it is essential to have insight in the basic perception and action strategies of citizens, businesses, professionals and governments in relation to flood risks. We have two assignments available in this project. The first is assignment is related to a surveys about self-reliance within Zeeland and organization of workshops. The second assignment is about the development of a resilience scorecard (impact analysis). This contains a.o. an exploration and analysis of resilience instruments as developed by FEMA (USA), Torrens Institute (Australia), Kent Resilience Team (UK) and UFZ Leipzig (Germany). </br></br>Assignments: research minor / internship </br></br>Education programmes: Delta Management, Water Management, Social Work, Communication </br></br>Research type: different types of research possible</br>Prerequisite: interest in water safety and socially concerned; </br></br>Partners: Research group, Safety Region Zeeland, Municipality of Veere</br></br>Contact: Jean Marie Buijs ( Jean Marie Buijs (
- The Netherlands + (The province of Zeeland is situated in the … The province of Zeeland is situated in the southwest of the Netherlands. It is bounded to Belgium on the south, the province of South-Holland on the north, the province of North-Brabant on the east and the North Sea on the west. Two estuaries cross the province: the Oosterschelde and the Westerschelde. The importance of the sea for the shaping of the province is well expressed in its name: Zee-land (literally translates to Sea-land), which indicates the situation of the province on the edge of water and land.he province on the edge of water and land.)
- ♻️Recycling Heroes Initiative ♻️ + (The recycling heroes initiative involves r … The recycling heroes initiative involves recruiting waste ambassadors that oversee proper waste management practices and promote proper recycling techniques at the HZ University of Vlissingen and Middelburg. As a waste ambassador, you will partake in monitoring and promotional sessions.</br></br>Monitoring Sessions (Data collection)</br></br>The monitoring session is observatory research. We will be assessing if the waste that is placed in the Organic, Plastic, Waste and General bin is placed correctly. We will be recording this data in a shared excel document.</br></br>Promotional Sessions </br></br>The promotional session incorporates handing out a recycling guide and other promotional materials to students and staff members on campus. We will be alternating between waste bins, so that we can cover all territory.</br></br>🕚When? </br>From 10th to 12th of May. At HZ University of Applied Sciences Vlissingen from 09:00 to 11:00 and HZ Middelburg from 13:00 to 15:00</br></br>Please feel free to contact Abigail Gongora (leader of Waste Management ) if you are interested in the initiative. </br>+32 470604304terested in the initiative. +32 470604304)
- Biobased Wet Cell + (The research for alternatives to substitute cement in concrete increased in the last years to reduce the environmental impact.)
- Biobased Bouwen + (The research group Biobased Construction c … The research group Biobased Construction collects, develops, valorises and disseminates knowledge about the application of biobased materials in construction and civil engineering. It focuses on residential and non-residential construction, existing and new buildings, foundations, constructions, the finishing of facades, roofs and the interior and on civil applications in road and hydraulic engineering. The research group is part of MNEXT, a collaboration between the HZ and Avans. The researchers carry out practice-based research in cooperation with (international) companies, research institutions and students. The research group focuses on building materials and systems that are produced from agro-residual flows available in the region. The focus is for example on building materials and composites from flax, hemp, bamboo and wood and insulation materials such as (flax) lime hemp, mycelium, reed and straw and weed. By examining bio-based building materials from Zeeland and Brabant companies in particular, sustainable networks can be created that offer opportunities for employment and start-ups. A good example of the practice-based research of this lectorate is the development of the knowledge database It has created this in cooperation with 40 companies and knowledge institutions from the Green Deal Biobased Construction. Through this knowledge bank, everyone - from the builder to the policymaker and client - can gather and share knowledge about the availability and application of bio-based materials, products and building concepts.materials, products and building concepts.)
- Ouderenzorg + (The research group Elderly Care conducts r … The research group Elderly Care conducts research into innovations in elderly care based on issues from practice. "Innovations with which we can ultimately improve the quality of life of the elderly," says Gerda Andringa, Lecturer.</br>According to her, innovating in elder care is necessary for the quality of elder care in the province, because of the ageing of the population, sharp increases in the cost of care and shortages on the labour market. Moreover, elder care has an image problem. In Zeeland, the quality of care is still high, but there are concerns about the ageing population and young people moving away.g population and young people moving away.)
- Critical infrastructure and resilience in Reimerswaal + (The research group collaborates with many … The research group collaborates with many partners in a study about the impact of a flooding of the Reimerswaal area, both locally and regionally. The research is about the cascade-effects of a flooding disrupting the vital infrastructure and measures to decrease the socio-economic impact and enhance possibilities for recovery of society. This study offers several possibilities for students. Assignments are available about analyzing the vulnerability of the critical infrastructure in Reimerswaal. An assignment can for example be focused at an in-depth analysis of the vulnerability of the civil works (roads, rail, sluices) or the electricity and communication networks (ICT, phone, etc).</br></br>Assignments: research minor</br>Student: Delta Management, (Civil) Engineering, ICT, other relevant education programmes</br>Research type: depending on assignment</br>Prerequisite: excellent analytical and good writing skills; specific interest in water safety, disaster management and critical infrastructure works. </br>Partner: Gemeente Reimerswaal, Veiligheidsregio Zeeland, Waterschap Scheldestromen, Rijkswaterstaat, Provincie Zeeland en diverse netwerkbeheerders vitale infrastructuur (Delta Netwerkbedrijf, Tennet, Prorail, Evides)</br>Contact: Jean-Marie BuijsProrail, Evides) Contact: Jean-Marie Buijs)
- From plant to plate + (The restaurant is in a greenhouse and gets the products from there. They work locally with local farmers and use there products directly form the gardens an from the land fresh in the restaurant. From plant to plate!)
- Sustainable Zero waste shop and refillery + (The shop’s concept is to encourage people to shop Zero Way by bringing their own containers to reuse them again and again, fill it up with sustainable, fair-trade & eco-friendly products.)
- Knowledge base + (The start page for constructing the knowledge base.)
- Plastic free restaurant + (The three-star Mirazur in Menton is the wo … The three-star Mirazur in Menton is the world’s first restaurant to be certified “Plastic Free.” What’s more, by replacing single-use plastics with compostable alternatives, the staff has developed a permaculture garden. A virtuous circle for the restaurant – and the planet.ircle for the restaurant – and the planet.)
- Energy Campus Zeeland + (The transition to clean energy has major i … The transition to clean energy has major implications for industry in Zeeuws-Vlaanderen and Vlissingen-Oost, in various areas such as money, people, space and the environment. People are very important here, both as workers and ordinary citizens. To meet the demand for suitable workers and community involvement, Scalda, HZ and the Zeeland innovation hub Dockwize are working together on Energy Campus Zeeland.working together on Energy Campus Zeeland.)
- Industrial District Heating + (The transition towards sustainable and eff … The transition towards sustainable and efficient heating solutions is critical to modern energy policy, particularly in industrialized regions. Industrial district heating systems, which utilize waste heat from industrial processes to supply heat to other industrial, residential, commercial, and agricultural areas, present a viable solution to reduce reliance on fossil fuels and lower greenhouse gas emissions. This project proposal aims to explore the enablers and blockers of industrial district heating systems by analyzing local projects through a design framework. The project aims to analyze 10 local project in Zeeland and Belgium. The gained knowledge will be applied in the region in the second phase of the research. This research is part of the larger JTF-funded Energy Campus project.e larger JTF-funded Energy Campus project.)
- Industrial District Heating + (The transition towards sustainable and eff … The transition towards sustainable and efficient heating solutions is critical to modern energy policy, particularly in industrialized regions. Industrial district heating systems, which utilize waste heat from industrial processes to supply heat to other industrial, residential, commercial, and agricultural areas, present a viable solution to reduce reliance on fossil fuels and lower greenhouse gas emissions. This project proposal aims to explore the enablers and blockers of industrial district heating systems by analyzing local projects through a design framework. The project aims to analyze 10 local project in Zeeland and Belgium. The gained knowledge will be applied in the region in the second phase of the research. This research is part of the larger JTF-funded Energy Campus project.e larger JTF-funded Energy Campus project.)
- Onderwaterlab + (The underwater laboratory consists of 12 c … The underwater laboratory consists of 12 concrete basins in front of the NIOZ building in Yerseke. All of them are still in contact with the Oosterschelde during high tide. Within these basins research into how to enhance biodiversity on hard substrates like dykes and other man-made structures.</br></br>Research type: field research, desk analysis, lab researchield research, desk analysis, lab research)
- Tools + (Theory FACET)
- 9R-strategies explained + (There exists a hierarchy of circularity strategies, different levels to reduce the consumption of natural resources and materials, and minimize the production of waste [1]. They can be ordered for priority according to their levels of circularity)
- BeLight + (There is a great need for biobased foam ma … There is a great need for biobased foam materials instead of traditional petroleum-based plastics and foams. Students from HZ University of Applied Sciences, Avans Hogeschool and the Tampere University of Applied Sciences (TAMK) in Finland have conducted research into the applicability of compostable and reusable bioplastics as part of the BeLight project. They did not let themselves be hampered by the corona crisis and went online in search of answers to difficult issues. in search of answers to difficult issues.)
- From Sea to Society (FS2S) + (There is urgent need for an alternative, s … There is urgent need for an alternative, sustainable, efficient protein production chain. This project involves research into a marine, efficient, sustainable low trophic aquaculture (LTA) value chain, based on biomass from combined seaweed-mussel cultivation. Social innovation and creation of value along the protein production chain form the key goals of the project. They are supported by breakthroughs in the natural sciences, such as selective breeding of sterile seaweeds, innovative biorefinery of seaweed biomass and insight in the carrying capacity of the natural marine ecosystem. The knowledge and skills gained are integrated in the Seaweed Learning Community, that will ensure the LTA continuity.nity, that will ensure the LTA continuity.)
- From Sea to Society + (There is urgent need for an alternative, s … There is urgent need for an alternative, sustainable, efficient protein production chain. This project involves research into a marine, efficient, sustainable low trophic aquaculture (LTA) value chain, based on biomass from combined seaweed-mussel cultivation. Social innovation and creation of value along the protein production chain form the key goals of the project. They are supported by breakthroughs in the natural sciences, such as selective breeding of sterile seaweeds, innovative biorefinery of seaweed biomass and insight in the carrying capacity of the natural marine ecosystem. The knowledge and skills gained are integrated in the Seaweed Learning Community, that will ensure the LTA continuity.nity, that will ensure the LTA continuity.)
- Projecten Biobased Bouwen die zijn afgerond + (These Biobased Construction projects have been completed)
- Afgeronde projecten Assetmanagement + (These projects of the Asset Management chair have been completed.)
- Braiding the fence + (This Thursday, 13th of January, at 10:00, we are waiting for you at the Student Garden next to the APV Campus, in Vlissingen. Let's braid a fence and with small steps, make the garden a place where you can relax and eat organic vegetables and fruits.)
- Canal Clean-up + (This Wednesday, July 20, the HZ Green Offi … This Wednesday, July 20, the HZ Green Office in cooperation with Doe Mee Verlos de Zee and the Province of Zeeland will organize a cleanup action along the canal. The day after mowing will take place. Organizing such a clean-up action before mowing is a first and prevents plastic and tin from being shredded into small pieces. The idea was born during the annual conference of the Clean Scheldt Collaborative last June 27.</br></br>Wednesday we start at 10h simultaneously on the Middelburg side of the Canal as the Vlissingen side (at the Keersluis).</br>Anyone can join. We provide something to drink and refreshments, but bring a water bottle because of the heat. bring a water bottle because of the heat.)
- Circular and Biobased cycle path + (This best practice is about a Cycle path made of bioasphalt and biobased concrete)
- Einde behandeling (S8) + (This is a summary.)
- AAND8 + (This learning workshop brings together exp … This learning workshop brings together expertise in HR and expertise on the ideas of positive health. The learning workshop will provide employers with knowledge and resources to support their employees in their positive health. The learning workshop includes an action learning network. HZ University of Applied Sciences plays a role in monitoring.plied Sciences plays a role in monitoring.)
- Pilot 7 Dementia Friendly Walking + (This pilot is addressing particular health … This pilot is addressing particular health issues within the wellbeing theme. People suffering from dementia are a particular target group with special needs. Taking into account the growing number of people suffering from dementia, Norfolk will look at how people can maintain an active lifestyle and contribute to their wellbeing.festyle and contribute to their wellbeing.)
- Fresh Layer + (This pilot study focuses on the development of a sustainable packaging material that is edible, known as a Fresh Layer.)
- Geen zee te hoog + (This project approaches the development of … This project approaches the development of water safety strategies as a spatial issue in which we investigate the connection of area assignments, application of dike concepts based on Building with Nature (BmN), and the development of public support for drastic landscape changes, based on four research questions that focus on:</br>- Spatial quality of landscape and connection with support for spatial strategies;</br>- Physical and ecological preconditions for BmN solutions and integration into spatial strategies;</br>- Drivers and barriers for support through participatory design processes;</br>- Guidelines for developing spatial strategies, both for the spatial design and the design process.the spatial design and the design process.)
- Breindiversiteit + (This project investigates the needs of stu … This project investigates the needs of students, study career coaches (SLCs) and teachers with regard to early identification of support needs for learning and behavioral problems and talents, teaching with differentiation in the classroom and study career coaching with a differentiated curriculum. The aim of the project is to formulate practices and tools for teachers and SLCs.practices and tools for teachers and SLCs.)
- Werken met waterlandschappen + (This project links the nature-inclusive de … This project links the nature-inclusive design of large waters to economic earning models for recreation, land use and hydraulic engineering. Initially, this will be done at existing test sites (living labs) in the Netherlands: the rear bank concept in Koopmanspolder (IJsselmeer), the double dike in Eems-Dollard and the restoration of intertidal areas in the South-western Delta. The next step is to see whether the concepts can also be applied to the rest of the applied to the rest of the Netherlands.)
- Rendementsverbetering en verduurzaming oesterproductie + (This project supports the oyster sector th … This project supports the oyster sector through knowledge development and knowledge sharing, using a combination of grower experience, monitoring and targeted experimental research with optimization and yield improvement of sustainable oyster production as the ultimate goal.le oyster production as the ultimate goal.)
- Fresh water availability + (This projects contributes to integrating f … This projects contributes to integrating fresh water storage and supply in spatial planning, while maintaining or even upgrading the water quality, benefitting all stakeholders. Phases of this (larger) project B, divided into sub-projects C: Initiating: Braakman Zuid possibilities; Proposed: reuse surface water with wetlands; Execution: mild desalination, enhanced reuse; Finalised: desalination of seawater (not feasible)d: desalination of seawater (not feasible))
- Oyster drill feeding preference + (This research will focus on predation pref … This research will focus on predation preference of oyster drills on different sizes, origin and species of oysters. The research will be performed in the field, in the season that oyster drills are hypothetically most active. The experiments will be carried out in enclosures, which have to be tested for effectiveness beforehand to keep oyster drills from escaping. Keep in mind that you have to work with the tide, to be able to access your experiments, and will have to work outside office hours as well.have to work outside office hours as well.)
- Near-shore seaweed culture + (This research will focus on the determinat … This research will focus on the determination of suitable locations for these seaweed farms in the region of Zeeland. The approach is 2-sided. On one hand the study will use available maps and GIS as a tool. On the other hand, important input about suitable locations comes from stakeholder consultation sessions. Where it is possible, also local secondary school scholars will be involved in the process. scholars will be involved in the process.)
- Job Offer Campaignteam Schoon Zeeland + (This summer (July - August) we are looking … This summer (July - August) we are looking for 4 enthusiastic young people for our Schoon Zeeland campaign team.</br>You go out in pairs and inform everyone on the beaches of Vlissingen about the importance of clean beaches.</br>In addition to informing, you hand out paper waste bags and you can, for example, do a beach activity with children that has to do with waste. You keep track of how many people you have spoken, and you make a small report of this every day.</br>You work 4 days a week, 5 hours a day. Compensation is around 10 euros per hour.</br>So, are you active, sporty, creative, do you approach people easily and are you at least 18 years old? Do not wait any longer and apply!</br></br>We offer you a sunny workplace in the open air!</br>More info / registration:</br></br>Voor ons campagneteam Schoon Zeeland zijn wij deze zomer (juli - augustus) op zoek naar 4 enthousiaste jongeren.</br>Je gaat met z’n tweeën op stap en informeert jong en oud op de Vlissingse stranden over het belang van schone stranden.</br>Naast informeren, deel je papieren afvalzakjes uit en kun je bijvoorbeeld met kinderen een strandactiviteit doen wat te maken heeft met afval. Je houdt bij hoeveel mensen je gesproken hebt en je maakt hier dagelijks een verslagje van.</br>Je werkt 4 dagen per week, 5 uur per dag. Vergoeding ligt rond de 10 euro per uur.</br>Dus ben jij actief, sportief, creatief, stap je makkelijk op mensen af en ben je minimaal 18 jaar? Wacht dan niet langer en solliciteer!</br></br>We bieden jou een zonnige werkplek in de buitenlucht!</br>Meer info/ aanmelden: mjankowski@xs4all.nlMeer info/ aanmelden:
- Castwater online tool + (This tool can help SMEs identify ways to assess and improve water management issues in your enterprise. The tool will make you a series of questions to evaluate your current status and identify areas of improvement and will provide recommendations.)
- Circular accommodation + (This villapark and campsite in Kortgene wa … This villapark and campsite in Kortgene wants to innovate in its recreation product and has shared this ambition with WTS architects and Impuls Zeeland. On the banks of the Veerse Meer, a location has been reserved for the development of something challenging, something stimulating, something exciting and something sustainable: a circulair Kreeksuite.thing sustainable: a circulair Kreeksuite.)
- Project Management + (This work package is dedicated to the smoo … This work package is dedicated to the smooth running of the project. All partners contribute under the lead of HZ.It includes the steering group meetings that will take place every six months, the regular (at least 2x per year) submission of financial claims, the annual progress reports and a midterm review. In addition all central programme requirements are included in this work package. The project aims to be cost-efficient with travel, steering group meetings will always be organized back-to-back with thematic partner meetings budgeted in WP3 to limit travel expenses. The same will apply to meetings with the programme, i.e. the training of the project partners will in principle coincide with the first partner meeting. This is also the reason why no separate costs for management have been included in the budget. In each of the four regions, the regional partners will also ensure the regional coordination with their associated knowledge partners (joint preparation of workshops here applicable, etc.) and define roles on regional level to ensure smooth cooperation. In addition to the regular face-to-face meetings, regular exchange and communication will take place through other means (phone, skype meetings, emails...). The project will ensure that a regular exchange will not only take place between partners but also with the programme (territorial facilitators and joint secretariat). It will closely monitor performance and delivery. closely monitor performance and delivery.)
- Research + (This work package is subdivided in two par … This work package is subdivided in two parts: (1) the practical joint development of the pilots and the social innovation process by all partners and (2) the joint monitoring and evaluation through all knowledge partners. For (1), partners will determine together how they will setup the pilots and what they will concretely do in each phase of the pilot, i.e. the explore phase, the design & develop phase, the test phase and the evaluate phase. Thefact that all pilots will go through the same steps allows a maximum of comparison, feedback and adjustment of each step. This joint methodology will form a solid basis for other interested organisations in the 2 Seas area beyond to embark on a similar trajectory. For (2), the aim is to develop a robust evaluation and monitoring methodology on two levels (a), how does the health&wellbeing of the elderly change, (b) how effective are the pilots and the social innovation process on the whole. Under the lead of Bournemouth University all knowledge partners will form an experts group. Each regional knowledge partner will assist with the monitoring in their own region to facilitate the data collection and to avoid language barriers. The developed joint theoretical framework will capture the results and allow a meaningful crossborder monitoring. For the theoretical input, the partners can already build on the results of the Destination Feelgood project ( and Sustrip ( and Sustrip (
- Tholen + (Tholen)
- Interdisciplinary collaboration in project teams + (Through collaboration with stakeholders wi … Through collaboration with stakeholders widely accepted improvements for - typically complex - societal developments and changes can be found. This means that the challenges have to be addressed with an integral (systems thinking) approach and in an interdisciplinary team or a Coalition of the Willing. It is vital to jointly understand and validate the challenge and take responsibility to achieve the shared goal.responsibility to achieve the shared goal.)
- Schone waterlopen door O3G + (Through the Flanders-Netherlands Interreg … Through the Flanders-Netherlands Interreg project Clean Watercourses by O3G, the project consortium aims to demonstrate that ozonation (O3) in combination with granular activated carbon can be used at sewage treatment plants (WWTPs) as an innovative, efficient and cost-effective post-treatment technique that improves surface water quality in Flanders and the Netherlands.r quality in Flanders and the Netherlands.)
- Bigger than us + (Thursday 17 Feb, the film Bigger than Us is shown about young activists workdwide. Ather the movie, HZ Green Office together with UCR students will lead a dialogue about local activism.)
- Intervisiesessie + (Tijd: 15-17 uur)
- Centre of Expertise Biobased Economy (COEBBE) toont Circulaire Biobased geveldelen op Dutch Design Week + (Tijdens de Dutch Design Week, die dit jaar … Tijdens de Dutch Design Week, die dit jaar in van 19 tot en met 27 oktober 2019 zal plaatsvinden in Eindhoven, zullen geveldelen getoond worden gemaakt van circulaire restmaterialen. Deze geveldelen zijn visueel aantrekkelijk, hoogwaardig en duurzaam. Ook zijn ze sterk, vormvast en hebben een lange levensduur. De ontwikkelde gevelpanelen zijn een resultaat van een samenwerking van verschillende bedrijven, Kenniscentra en studenten van Avans Hogeschool, HZ University of Applied Sciences en TU-Eindhoven.rsity of Applied Sciences en TU-Eindhoven.)