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Zeeuwse pilots ondergrondse waterberging vergroten zoetwaterbeschikbaarheid op lokaal niveau

Door de aanwezigheid van zout grond- en oppervlaktewater is de beschikbaarheid van zoet water in de Zuidwestelijke Delta geen vanzelfsprekendheid. Immers, in grote delen van Zeeland is de aanvoer van extern zoet water nauwelijks mogelijk. Deze regio is grotendeels afhankelijk van het neerslagoverschot of van nalevering vanuit het zoete grondwater dat zich bevindt in de duinen, kreekruggen en dunne regenwaterlenzen in laaggelegen polders.

In het project GO-FRESH (Geohydrological Opportunities Fresh Water Supply) worden sinds 2012 proeven uitgevoerd om de zoetwaterbeschikbaarheid voor de landbouw in de Zuidwestelijke Delta te vergroten.

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GO-FRESH Project15 november 2016In het project GO-FRESH (Geohydrological Opportunities Fresh Water supply) wordt onderzocht in hoeverre lokale maatregelen de zoetwaterbeschikbaarheid voor landbouw kunnen vergroten in gebieden wordt zoet water in de ondergrond opgeslagen tijdens perioden van wateroverschot en gebruikt in droge perioden.
GO-Fresh II5 september 201631 januari 2017CLOSED FOR APPLICATIONS - In many parts of the South Western Delta, external freshwater supply is scarce. Freshwater availability in the root zone of these areas is dependent on excessive rainfall and groundwater availability. The areas are vulnerable in dry periods which will unfortunately only increase in the future. Pro-active measures are necessary in order to guarantee freshwater availability in these areas in dry periods. The aim of these measures is to store (excess) freshwater (in periods with heavy rainfall) in the soil, so that it can be used when needed, in dry periods. In the research project GO-FRESH I, three pilot experiments were carried out in different locations to increase the local freshwater availability. The experiments will be continued in GO-fresh II. The aim will be to investigate how the three experiments can be an example for broader use, so that the techniques may be interesting to other farmers as well. Things that should be incorporated are the business plans of the farmers, wishes of the farmers considering the available ‘fresh-making’ techniques and other opportunities of the techniques. In other words; social and economic factors / opportunities should be investigated. The results should be implemented in an interactive WIKI. The reserach types included in the project are; interviews and computer research.